Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jacob Murfin lives in Canton, Georgia.  He was 3 years old on September 11, 2001 and has, of course, no memories of that day when everything changed.

Artie Van Why lived in New York City.  He was 48 years old on September 11, 2001 and remembers it vividly.  Artie worked across from the World Trade Center and was there, in the streets, after the first plane struck.  Artie now lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Jacob and Artie did not know one another.

That is until last week.

Artie's friend, Kim Draude, shared with him a letter that had been written by the son of one of her longtime friends, Teresa Murfin.  Her son is Jacob.

Jacob had written the letter to the principal of his high school.  This is his letter:


As a student of this school, I am very upset about how ____________ High School handled 9/11 yesterday. I'm not sure if this has been brought to your attention, but I believe that us as students need to learn about the events that occurred on September 11, 2001. I understand that we have school and we need to learn math, science, literature, etc., but I also believe that it is extremely important that every student at ____________ High School learns, in detail, as to what happened on that heartbreaking day.

I am disappointed as to what we did yesterday as a school to mourn the events that occurred on 9/11. It is the one day of the year the entire nation truly comes together as one and recognizes what happened on that terrible day. I was 3 years old when at 8:46 a.m. a plane intentionally struck 1 of 2 buildings in New York City. Do I remember that day? No, neither can any of my fellow classmates with the exception of a few. That is why I want to learn!

Over 3,000 people have died because of that day and that number is continuing to rise. Innocent people died that day running into the chaos trying to save others that were suffering as the two buildings were collapsing. I sat in my chair first period waiting for the announcements to come on to discuss the events that occurred on 9/11 and all we did was a 5-10 second moment of silence!! stood, silent, watching the clock tick through the minute 8:46 a.m. hearing my classmates talk about what their plans were for after the game on Friday. They had no clue that at 8:46 a.m. the United States of America was silent for an entire minute rethinking the terror they were put through that day. The famous "Never Forget" was sadly forgotten by my classmates. Mostly because we were too young to understand what was going on. We forgot because we never remembered. All I ask is that every year on the day of 9/11 we learn over and over again what happened on that tragic day. So that the students of ____________ High School "Never Forget!"

Thank You,

Jacob Murfin

Artie, being a 9/11 survivor, was moved by Jacob's letter so much so that he immediately emailed the principal of Jacob's high school and offered to travel to Atlanta, at his own expense, to speak to the students at the high school.

The principal turned Artie's offer down; much to Artie's and especially Jacob's disappointment.

But Jacob's spirit, conviction and fortitude to publicly remember 9/11 has not diminished.  Jacob is now trying to find a public facility where Artie can speak.  And Artie, keeping to his promise, has told Jacob he will be there, no matter the cost, to share his story of 9/11.

You can help just by passing along this story of how a letter brought together two strangers; a teenager who wants to learn about 9/11 and an adult who lived through 9/11.

And if you live in the ATLANTA area please contact people you know that might be able to help.  Contact your local TV stations if you are moved, in any way, by this extraordinary story.

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